A message from our CEO
It is clear that the un–invited COVID-19 guest will overstay into 2021, continuing to affect many. In some countries, FINISH Mondial has been picked up as a ‘COVID-19 resilience programme’ with its emphasis on access to sanitation and hygiene for all—notably the first line of defence against viruses. In the past year, we have seen many adjustments to the way partners must operate to achieve our joint goals.
In 2021, we anticipate witnessing a steep increase in results thanks to the five-year commitment from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS). With this renewed support, we are busy planning for the future. We expect that increased results and learning how to work together may take the FINISH partners to the next stage of scaling sanitation. Scaling is supported both nationally (with robust local Supervisory Boards and Management Teams established) and internationally, through amongst others, our vibrant thematic working groups.
How are we driving innovation? Results and impact will be visualised, with our Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) team piloting initiatives on machine learning and satellite imagining for increased transparency and efficiency. The Fund Mobilisation and Financial Innovations team is working towards ambitious targets to match the secured grant funding. Innovations range from e-ledgers to the launch of the full-scale Sanitation Impact Bond in India. Our Technical experts are working to institutionalise sanitation technical training in Uganda and Kenya, as well as replicate the successful sanitation contest hosted throughout 2020. Meanwhile, our sanitation-related health and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) teams will come to steam, and we anticipate closer interactions with pan-African institutions in 2021. As a circular sanitation and hygiene programme, the faecal sludge management and circular economy (FSM-CE) team are working to support at least half of FINISH Mondial countries to mainstream circular economy and waste management initiatives.
The FINISH Mondial team is growing rapidly yet simultaneously, we recognise the contributions of those team members who are moving to do new things. Though we say goodbye for now, we know that our paths will cross again soon. Wishing you all the best for the season and a happy new year, though a belated one for our Ethiopian friends.
With warm regards,
Valentin Post
CEO FINISH Mondial, seconded by WASTE