FINISH Mondial, together with its founding partners, WASTE and AMREF Flying Doctors, will be participating in the All Systems Connect International Symposium held between May 2-4 2023 in The Hague, the Netherlands. The theme this year is “Connecting people and ideas, systems and solutions to achieve justice for all”. The symposium is designed to help changemakers from water, sanitation and hygiene, public health, climate resilience, economic development, social justice, to connect with purpose, work on collective solutions, and strengthen our capabilities as systems leaders.
Come and join us! There are only a few days left to register!
Below our full programme
Day 1: Tuesday 2 May 2023 – Together stronger – all systems are connected
On day 1, experts, changemakers and decision-makers will assemble to explore how connecting across boundaries and promoting systems leadership can help us achieve social justice and improved national systems.
W2.1 How NOT to take a systems approach, 11.30am, North America, World Forum
With Sumeet Pawar, FSM and Circular Economy Adviser, WASTE and FINISH Mondial, and Jacqueline Eckhardt-Gerritsen, Portfolio Manager Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Amref Flying Doctors
Summary: The failure of system strengthening has created a vacuum where innovation has become a necessity to tackle lack of access to services. We can strengthen systems change by understanding what failure means, ensuring we and others can learn from it, and questioning the roles of businesses and marketing in outcomes.
C1.3 Aligning climate-smart WASH & health agendas, 15.30pm, Antarctica, World Forum
With José Sluijs, Senior Portfolio Manager, Amref Flying Doctors, member of FINISH Mondial Management Team
Impacts due to climate change pose a risk to water and sanitation systems; if these systems fail, they in turn threaten human health. As the health and WASH sectors develop climate-smart agendas, where are there overlaps and how do we work together to advocate within the climate space?
Day 2: Wednesday 3 May 2023 – Strengthening all systems – building resilience with water, sanitation and hygiene
On day 2, the symposium will explore and promote the role of resilient national water and sanitation systems, and the change agenda required to deliver them and focus on how water and sanitation can galvanise the development of wider public services.
C3.4 The role of finance intermediaries: blended finance for sanitation, 11.30am, South America, World Forum
With Valentin Post, CEO Finish Mondial
Summary: The session will explore leveraging public and development finance to harness commercial finance and scale-up sanitation service provision. We will discuss how blended finance fits in the overall financial landscape for sanitation and the key role played by intermediaries.
W3.6 Poo is water resource management too, 15.30am, Oceania Foyer, World Forum
With Sneha Santwana, Finish Society, India
Summary: Game shows, research and lived experiences will come together to prompt participants to consider the links between sanitation and water resources management. Participatory sessions will discuss how integrated interventions can be more inclusive and resilient, how we can have a more nuanced understanding of intersectionality and how different groups are impacted.
Day 3: Thursday 4 May 2023 – Taking action as systems leaders
On day 3, the symposium will synthesise insights from the first two days, agree on actions and put the participants in the driving seat. With help from the Wisdom Council, participants will take part in Action Assemblies and a final plenary to help define a post-event agenda while –hopefully – committing to their role in it.
W1.9 An area-wide approach for programming rural sanitation, 8.30am, Antarctica, World Forum
With Valentin Post, CEO Finish Mondial
Summary: Rural sanitation programming at scale has been done but keeps leaving people behind. This session will discuss how area-wide, universal safely managed sanitation requires a multi-stakeholder, multi-intervention ecosystem approach and will focus on systems strengthening, gender equality and social inclusion, and finance and market-based sanitation, with examples from Tanzania and Rwanda.
Find the All Systems Connect Full Programme here
Want to connect? Drop us a line!
Jacqueline Eckhardt-Gerritsen at
Sumeet Pawar at
Valentin Post at
Jose Sluijs at
Santwana Sneha at