FINISH Mondial Team at the SIWI World Water Week 2020 (WWWeek At-Home)
The SIWI World Water Week (WWWeek) 2020 was held virtually from 24 August – 28 August. The week was filled with around 120 online sessions with intense discussions on the challenges to the water and sanitation sector as well as innovative solutions to help tackle them. We are proud to announce that members of the FINISH Mondial team were invited to speak during the WWWeek At-Home sessions. Here is an overview of the sessions in which our members participated.
WASH needs Funding, Funding needs Innovation – Highlights from Uganda: Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Urban Sanitation (Tuesday 25 August 14:00-14:55)
As a part of the WW4D Finance and Governance session, different convenors involved in mobilising and directing financial resources for water were invited. Pamela Kabasinguzi (FINISH Mondial Uganda Country Coordinator) shared her experiences from Western Uganda and how FM plans to continue collaboration in the future with the German Development Agency, GIZ’s, Sanitation 4 Millions (S4M) programme, working together to increase private sector investment and government commitment to the Ugandan WASH sector.
For more information about the session and access to the recording, click here.
Innovative Finance for scaling effective SDG 6 solutions (Wednesday 26 August 15:00-15:45)
A session organised by key FM partner, Aqua for All, introducing key actors working with innovative finance solutions to accelerate access to finance for water and sanitation across both sides of the spectrum – supply and demand (small & medium enterprises and households). This session brought together some of great financing minds including FM’s own:
- Josien Sluijs (Managing Director, Aqua for All; Supervisory Board FINISH Mondial) kicked off the session by introducing Aqua for All and providing examples of how Aqua for All is working to link financing to where it is needed most, supporting crucial entrepreneurs in the WASH sector;
- Valentin Post (CEO FINISH Mondial, seconded by WASTE) was invited to present the Sanitation Impact Bond as a financial innovation for this session; and
- Jacqueline Barendse (WASTE Adviser) was invited to present WASTE’s up-and-coming initiative the Take-a-Stake Fund which will complement FM’s business development programme. The Fund is a new Impact Investment Fund for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the water, sanitation and waste sector in developing countries and emerging markets, linked to related sectors including renewable energy, agriculture and health.
For more information about the session and access to the slide deck and recording of the session, click here.