Exploring the opportunities in scaling smart approaches to water
We are usually known as the sanitation experts, but sanitation and water are so intrinsically linked that we cannot do one without the other. In the past months, FINISH Mondial started reflecting on how to add meaningful water initiatives to our core business.
To accompany this foray into (partially) new territory, we organised a 3-part webinar mini-series with water sector experts who share their knowledge on how to create comprehensive, community-driven, and sustainable water solutions that fit our market-driven approach. True to ourselves, we put the emphasis on practical expertise and inclusion of a diverse set of stakeholders.
We gained so many deep insights that we thought it would be a shame to not share further! We prepared a booklet and some videos of the webinars, so you can also dig into this gold mine of information. Check it out!
Our heartfelt thanks go to the wonderful speakers from Tiyeni, The Smart Centre Group, the Indian Leather Industry Foundation and FINISH Society for sharing their insights, and to FINISH Mondial Bangladesh and Trust of People for their support in organising this webinar series.