Only by involving all actors in the sanitation ecosystem and financially empowering them can we create sustainable change!

are made aware of the need for safe and durable toilets and good hygiene. This prompts them to want to invest in improved toilets.

are trained in setting up enterprises to construct improved toilets and valorise human waste in the circular sanitation economy.

are engaged to provide sanitation loans to communities and businesses, ensuring financial inclusion of a wider group of people, especially women.

are involved in implementing laws and regulations on sanitation standards and building a growing sanitation market through public-private partnerships.
Through the circular sanitation economy, we contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and the SDGs.

Safely stored and collected
Human waste produced in the toilets we build is safely stored and collected. We thereby avoid creating greenhouse gas emissions from inadequate storage of faecal matter (methane being released into the air).

Transformed into co-compost
The collected waste is treated using nature-based solutions, like vertical and horizontal wetlands systems, and transformed into co-compost that can be safely applied in agriculture.

Nitrogen-rich co-compost
The application of nitrogen-rich co-compost improves soil quality and its water-holding capacities, which leads to higher crops yields, greater flood resilience of soils and improved food security.

Higher incomes from higher yields
Higher incomes from higher yields can be reinvested in building more sanitation systems.
Transforming Lives: The Diamond Approach through the Eyes of Its Key Actors
From Waste to Wealth – How We’re Turning Sewage into Co-Compost for Agriculture
We contribute to the following SDGs: